Sunday, October 3, 2010

Capetown, South Africa

We arrived at about 0545 and by 0615 the South African immigration and customs people were on board.  For the first time on our voyage each member of the ship (about 700 students, faculty, staff, and life long learners) had to appear before immigration and customs officials, and have our passports stamped. They called us by groups and we headed to the faculty lounge where everything was set up very efficiently.  The ship was cleared by about 0730.  Every time we come into port the ship closes down one dining room (given all of our field trips) and given that everyone had to get up real early the dining room and outside area was packed.  This is what our view was from the back deck as we had our breakfast; being spring time it was a wonderful morning, in the low 60s.  If only I had the NY Times or Washington Post to read, it would have been perfect.

Table Mountain in the back ground

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